Hello friends! I will be away from the easel for a few days because my wife, daughter, and I are going to Ocracoke Island this coming weekend. We will be gone this weekend through part of next week.
I am of course taking my painting gear and look forward to squeezing in time for some small canvases. I am taking my paintbox for oils and acrylics, but I might end up using only my pocket watercolor kit for some quick sketching.
When I am on a trip solely for painting, I use my paintbox and all my gear, but since this is a family vacation and my 15 month old daughter's first beach trip, I don't want to spend much time away from her and my wife. That is why the pocket watercolor kit is great! It fits in my pocket and has a single brush inside and you only need a small pocket watercolor pad. It is great for quick sketching with a minimum of gear. Since I am primarily an oil and acrylic painter, I normally use my watercolors as studies for oil or acrylic works. Keep checking the blog here and I will post work done on my trip when I get back.
We are not leaving until this weekend, so I will try to post a few more paintings this week before I leave.
As always, email me at paintinglandscapes@yahoo.com with any questions about my work.