I am finally back in the painting saddle after the birth of our second daughter in July. My five year old daughter also started K-5 this week too, so I have not had much studio or field time lately.
Most of you know that I paint mostly in oils and acrylics, but lately have been playing with watercolors. I am doing mostly small sketches on site and in the studio, but am having fun!
Often times, I paint when traveling with family and even taking minimal oil and acrylic supplies can take up valuable space, so I plan on using this pocket watercolor kit that I purchased on some future trips when I just want to sketch. All I need to paint is the kit with included brush and a sketchbook or watercolor pad. The kit is small enough to put in my pocket!
Here is quick pic of the pocket kit with some quick watercolor site sketches done at the historic Capt. White House in Graham, NC.