Sorry for the lack of posting here lately. It is easier to update my facebook art page on the go, and I do that way more often and have been neglecting my blog here and on my website.
That being said, sometimes spending time with my wife and kids is more important. I had greatly reduced productivity in the studio last year, mainly due to so many irons in the fire. I had show obligations which I had to paint for and a few commisssions as well. Add to that refurbishing an investment property that we own for the next tenants, handling more things at home, a day job and our second child being way more active and into things than our first was, and I have just been burned out a little with not much energy for late studio hours! Guess it means that I am getting older since I can't stay up until 3am to paint any more without dragging the next day!
I am still working, just not posting much because I have been doing more studies for larger paintings than a lot of finished gallery work. I am learning to adjust my work schedule to get more done when the kids are sleeping! I am off to Disney in Florida with the family next week and will have some new things to show you when I return!