Wednesday, November 17, 2010

New paintings

"Marsh Near Calabash"
6" x 6" Acrylic on Gallery Wrap Canvas
Wired to hang unframed

"Table for Two"
6" x 6" Acrylic on Gallery Wrap Canvas
Wired and ready to hang unframed

"Winter Pond"
8" x 10" oil on canvas
Framed in Hand carved metal leaf frame
These are some new ones I just finished for the Christmas Invitational Show at the Alamance Arts Council. The bottom one was painted last winter on location in freezing temps. I touched it up some before framing it, and I wanted to refine the frozen pond and grasses even more, but ran out of time. if you are interested in any of these contact the Alamance County Arts Council at 336-226-4495.
I paint water very often in my work, but this frozen pond was quite a challenge as the frozen ice didn't have much reflection like water normally does. I am at that stage lately in my work where I am more critical of every work I do and really have not been happy with the last few paintings, but seasoned professionals tell me this means I am learning more and growing as a painter. It just makes me want to press on even harder to learn more and keep improving my observation skills.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Stokes County Plein Air Piece

"Stokes County View"
8" x 10" Oil on Linen Panel

This is a piece I posted before that was done on location but just wanted to let Ebay buyers know that is available as a fixed price Ebay listing. you can view the auction by clicking here.

Monday, November 08, 2010

Back to my Ebay roots - Outer Banks NC Painting

"Ocracoke Beach"
5" x 7" Acrylic on Raymar Canvas Panel
Click here to view on Ebay or place a bid

As many of you know, a few years back I used to sell my really small paintings on Ebay. I have sold to buyers across the country this way and I have many small ones lying around since I paint so many studies, so I am going to list some of them on Ebay again from time to time.

These will be mostly small paintings that I usually don't sell in galleries, so they will be a great way for someone to start collecting original art at an affordable price.

A whirlwind month

So far November is turning out to be one hectic month! This past Saturday I attended well known NC artist William Mangum's Open house at his gallery in Greensboro, NC. Got to talk with him and received a signed complimentary print. You can find out more about him at .
Sunday afternoon I headed to the Art Link Gallery at the Historic Chinqua Penn Plantation in Reidsville, NC to switch out some paintings of mine. There are some shots of the gallery below.
Now I am finishing a deadline this week for the Alamance Arts Council's Christmas Invitational show amidst my full time job and other responsibilities. One busy month so far!
Be looking at the blog here to find out about a solo exhibition I am planning for 2011. Stay tuned!

Main Exhibition room at Art Link Gallery

Another shot of the gallery - can you see the still life painting on the right in the gold leafed frame? That is one of mine.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Life's little problems

Well I am posting from the Blackberry tonight so this will be brief.
I have new paintings to show you soon but life has thrown some problems my way this week that have kept me from posting.
We live in the country and have well water and came home Monday to a broken well pump. After manually pulling 350 feet of line we replaced the pump only to discover after lowering it that the wire has a short also.
So out comes the pump again. Hope to have the wire replaced tomorrow and have water again. I hope so because I have show deadlines next week and I need to get back in our house!